Mont by month, Solo exhibition NY

Galerie Ground is proud to present “Month by month” the debut US solo exhibition of Enrich R., a Spanish-born artist whose lineage is steeped in the tradition of painting. Enrich’s artistic talent transcends his years, bringing forth a mastery that is both innovative and profoundly rooted in history.

Enrich’s creative process is one of relentless introspection and refinement. Each morning, he steps into his studio and revisits the previous day’s work, scrutinizing it under new light to gauge its emotional resonance. His pursuit is singular: to capture that elusive element that keeps the viewer in perpetual tension. It is through this rigorous, month- by-month progression that each piece evolves, depositing all the consciousness in a piece of fabric and transforming it into an object that is easy to feel and difficult to explain. Thus, the exhibition title, month by month aptly reflects this meticulous journey.

Enrich’s work is an exploration of movement and line, eschewing conven- tional subject matter for a deeper, more abstract dialogue. His paintings are rich in patina and layered materials, expressing a maturity and reverence for the past. Rooted in the abstract tradition, Enrich’s compositions evoke powerful emotions through their dynamic use of color.
These works possess an architectural quality, maintaining a delicate balance and tension through their intricate relationships.

Using modulation and materiality, Enrich aims to distill a poetic and raw essence, focusing on simplicity, harmony, and formal beauty. His paintings, composed of worn and bare materials, develop a unique skin through layers of color, each rich with sensuality, energy, and tension. The result is a body of work that invites viewers into a world of profound emotional depth and timeless beauty.